Saturday, January 12, 2013


Gosh darn-it.... when I get a phrase in my mind, I can't get it out, until I write about it, it seems!  Yes, for some reason I have "WE ALL FALL DOWN" in my head, and the Partridge Family song, "I THINK I LOVE YOU"
So here it is.... "WE ALL FALL DOWN".....
Strangely enough the song "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady" is one of the first things that come to my mind when i hear "we all fall down". Complete visuals of when I was a kid, 2 people facing each other, connecting hand, making a high arch or bridge and another kid tries to go under it  without the bridge falling down on them... why, i ask myself?  no clue why that  comes to mind... along with "RING AROUND THE ROSIE"..pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, all fall down!. Until tonight, I had no clue what this song meant... in the very old days, there was a virus going around called Bubonic and many died ( all fall down) and then cremated ( ashes, ashes)
Another song that is called "ALL FALL DOWN" by Aerosmith....
When your heart is breakin
when your faith has been shakin
when the road you're takin
takes you nowhere at all.
when it all seems to all go wrong
remember nobody can always be strong
we all fall down.
I will catch you
never let you go
I won't let you go through it alone
so don't feel left out
we all fall down.
when your dreams are shattered
when you feel broken and battered
when every step on the ladder
takes you nowhere but down.
and you lose ground
like you can't hold on
Everyone breaks
you'll get hurt sometime in this life
you fly so high
you crash and burn sometimes
I want you to know,
your're not alone.
we all fall down
I will catch you
never let you go
i will lift you
high above the rain
I'll be with you
we all feel the pain
so dont feel left out
we all fall down.
Ever fell down on black ice?  I don't think I have, but yes physically fell down, it's not something i want to make a habit of.  Sometimes my wooden floors are so slick when i have socks on or coming in from the rain with wet shoes, the sensation of a slip, almost a fall, makes me tense up. Black ice is a reason many fall down.  The only fix is rock salt or even sand gives you alittle more traction. When you think about it, black ice lurks in all of our lifes.  I think we need to be gentle with ourselves.  We don't learn perfectly the first time.We can try to learn from others experience also. Nobody expects you to be perfect.  God allows us to fall now and then.  It's part of life.  Expecting perfection of yourself is as damaging as someone saying mean things about you.  Would you expect perfection from anybody else? I doubt it.  So why expect it from yourself? 
My heart is sorta, kinda, very gently offering up some phrases I might use: " be kinder to yourself", "slow down and take some time to breathe, or don't forget to breath, or if something takes your breath away." or "figure out what you're really feeling."  Sometimes, even if I didn't fall down, I find myself crying, nothing is wrong like a death, sickness or major disappointment.  Nothing to warrent the unstoppable tears, but they have come with no explanation, but that is simply just ok.  Crying as a child is one of the easier things to do.  Crying as an adult it one of the most difficult, so it can be an act of bravery in its won right.  Especially when there is no horrendous thing to cause it.  It is sometimes just a cleansing we all need!  It's not healthly to keep those tears inside. By allowing yourself to give in to those tears from time to time is perfectly okay.  Some have a tendency to put on that brave face, the heart of steel facade and go through life.  But then one day, without rhyme or reason, the tear gates break and there starts the flood!
I know God has a plan for us.  Jeremiah 29:11 tells us "for I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Also in Romans 8:28 "and we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God."  realize that your life is not going to end or stagnate just because of a mistake of yours.  Probably the biggest lesson life teaches us to move on. (hard to do, right?).  Forgive yourself completely and look forward to the future which is always bright and full of hope. Living in the past will not give you an opportunity to time-travel to the bygone times and change things.  So lets disembark ourself from past mistakes and march forward.
Have you ever seen a small child learning to walk?  If you have, you know what a remarkable experience it is, even after a few steps and fall down, they still want to get up and do it again!  We all know how to do this, fall down and get back up.   Assuming we know how to walk which most of us are forunate enough to be able to.  We've all have gone through it many times as we move through the ups and downs of life.  the question isn't whether or not we'll fall down, the question is if we are bold enough to get back up again.  Too often, sadly, we fall down and then decide we can't get up.  Boldness is about have courage, willingness and committment to get back up when we fall down-even if we're scared or don't think we can. 
Sometimes, we feel as if everything is falling down on us, its a hard feeling to endure.  It's important for us to make peace with the fact that we will fall down many times through-out our journey.  However when we make a committment to ourselves to get back up, dust ourselves off, be real about how we feel and what happened and not let it stop us from being who we are adn going for what we want.
It's ok that we all fall down.... the only time you should be looking down on someone is when you are helping them up.
"Dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt (hard to do huh?), sing like nobody's listening and live likes its heaven on earth."
Because of His AMAZING GRACE.......

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