Change is....inevitiable, is hard, is confusing, is happy, is sad, is challenging, is progess.....
Change is a word that most of us don't particularity like. When things change around us or within us, it usually causes some stress. Most of us (well, i better speak for myself only) can count on there being a tomorrow, however, some will not see tomorrow. In either case, there's definetly no time like the present to do things we have been putting off.
Ask yourself this question....Does motivation bring productivity, or does productivity bring motivation??? There is no correct answer...either way, it's only by acting that we accomplish our goals, whatever they may be. If we fail to act, our goals won't be achieved. Not today, not ever. Goals are only met when we put in the effort, and do the hard work required to achieve them.
Back to change...why do we put change off anyways? For some, it's the fear of failure, fear of rejection, or a combo of both. Or is it because we are lazy, or have to much on our plate already, and think there is always tomorrow. It's important to remember that we grow as we learn. I'm not saying that change is easy, but for me it can be challenging. My own beliefs and my experiences with change, can be difficult. Even just the word change makes me nervous. I have a tendency to dig my heels into the ground and not budge. I never said change is easy, yet I wish I could welcome change, and just go with the flow. Who can make the changes, but us? Our loved ones, our family, friends, our sponsor or therapist can make reccomendations, encourage and support us, even inspire us with their actions. Yet it is up to us to make the changes needed.
I am trying to be more open and welcome change. On the lighter side, i love the change of seasons, the change of colors in the fall, the time change twice a year. I love change in my coin purse, when the sheets have been changed, changing of the guard in D.C. and change of pace. I struggle alittle more with change of technolgey, the computor, and digital x-rays.
Having a change of heart....well that is huge. Sometimes a change for the good, and sometimes a change for the bad. Having a change of heart can break another's heart. For me, i am very cautious and really careful with my words, and careful with my heart and i dont change my promises once i made them. I give 150% of me when i make a promise. It's baffeling how some have a change of heart just like that, and their promises become empty promises, thats a huge change, especially when they knew it, and failed to be honest and upfront and be big enough to tell you they had a "change of mind and change of heart"
Are you frustrated about life? If so, change your focus....If you can see, talk, and walk, if you have friends, family and opportunity, learn to appreciate that. Don't go around complainin about whats wrong. Change your focus. If you get stuck in traffic or by a train, just think about all the people that don't have a car. So, you have a tough day at work, just think of all the people who dont have a job. Instead of complaining that your hair is turning gray, be grateful you have hair. Staying grateful is the key to living life happily. Let's just think about this and be reminded that we have a choice. Whatever is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. We can either complain or praise. Ask yourself if you only had an hour to live, who would you call, what would you say and what are you wating for? In the bible it says life is like a vapor, we are here one moment and then we're gone. Sometimes we live and act as if we are invinvible, like we're always going to be here.
I guess we forget how fragile life really is. If we really want change, we cant expect others to do it for us. I have learned and I try to focus on the good, slow down and appreciate what God has already given us. If we mediatate on God's goodness, He will take you places that you've never dreamed of, so give God His glory. The Lord giveth and taketh away.
So, to close my change of heart blog...please realize that it is never too late, to change your heart, to change your mind, or to know because of your change of heart and mind, the emptyness and pain can be too much to bare. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary ways. Have health, hope and happiness. Take the time to wish upon a star. In addition, do not ever forget for even a very special you are.
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