Sunday, July 29, 2012


Thought I'd share some odds and ends since no legitimate post has made it from my brain to the computer.  I have many blog topics on my heart.  So yes, I'm still around, just quiet and busy.

*A WEIRD THING I DO;  chew on the tip of my tongue and have play with my hair since I had hair (weird to others but not to me!)

*RIGHT NOW (Saturday July 28th)... camping in the redwoods, enjoying a campfire and the Olmypics.

*BEST THING I ATE THIS WEEK:  a salami and cheese sandwich made with love.

BIGGEST LAUGH OF THE WEEK:  when lex asked me if I was doing homework so I could get smarter.

A NO WAY MOMENT:  when i wrote "thru" instead of "Through" or "w/o" instead of "without" or tried to spell "cinomin" instead of "cinnamon" or didn't know what a "fragment or run-on's" were.

*LOOKING FORWARD TO : my daddy feeling better once he gets his pacemaker in 5 days (Aug 5)

*ENJOYING: the Olympics, and God's beauty in the Redwoods.

*READING:  Upper Downer"s and All-Arounder's ( text book for my night class)

*JUST FINISHED;   my narrative essay (yeah!!) well still has to be proof-read and final copy.

*WISHING:  I could be in Missouri  with my parents for my dad's surgery.

*RECENTLY SEEN IN:  something other than my scrubs or pj's!

*LOVING;  my free-time (which isn't much)

*LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH:  Greg, Lex and Corky laying together

*DREADING;  this next week of 100 plus degrees, who knows maybe i'll even swim!

*JUMPING FOR JOY; ummmmm I don't jump! yet I have alot of joy!

*MISSING;   Renee and my mom and dad, thank goodness of texting and facetime.  And if Heaven wasn't so far away... I miss you Jeff!

*HAPPY; all the people in my life

*LUCKY;  to have all I do.

*TRYING TO:  learn English 101 and how a brain works.

*LEARNING FROM: anyone, everyday!

*WANTING TO: be more like my mother, she is an angel on earth!

*GRATEFUL FOR:  so much, but without my loving, forgiving God none of it would be possible.  I am grateful for 3 days, 6 months and 3 years of clean time, and a second chance at life.

Isn't God amazing, the way He leads and nudges us to do "little things" that turn out to be "big things" for someone eles, and sometimes He does little things for us that turn out to be really "BIG".

Because of his AMAZING GRACE......

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