Thursday, July 5, 2012


I've got the song "makes the world go around, oh the Candy-Man can"  stuck in my head!! so why not blog about (yes, i'm guility of this..sorry Debra!) some of the junk food in my pantry!

JUNK FOOD... is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar and calories!  yet, so TASTY!!!

You got... french fries,
cotton candy
and so much more......

some of my favorites.....

Mother's Circus Cookies... a humble beginning on a street corner nearly 100 years ago in Oakland, CA.  One person operating on 12th Ave, he baked 2,000 cookies a day, now more that 17 million cookies a day.  A memory in every bite!  My crazy kids never have liked these circus cookies... good, more for me! 

Fresh out of the  toaster.. they are crazy good! These are as old as i am... came out in the 60's.  The filling, frosting, sprinkles that dazzle my taste buds and dance with delight!!

JELLY BELLY'S... 37 million pounds annually... loved the tour just recently of the factory in Fairfield... i learned that President Ronald Reagan had a jar of jelly belly's in the White House, in the AirForce One and in 1983 1st jelly bean was sent to outerspace in the Challenger as a surprize to the astronauts.  I love Pear, Peach, Raspberry,Banana and Coconut flavors!

REESE'S........ howerver you perfer it... 2 pack, king-size 4 pack, mini, shape of easter eggs, Christmas trees... after all, peanut butter is protein!!

POWDER DONUTS.....sure, little messy, and not the best for car upholstery..... it's all part of the irresistible charm of Hostess Donettes.  1930 the little "gems" have attracted fans in many circles- hungry communities to lunchbox toting tikes.  2 BILLION a year!  Hostess bakes enough Donettes to wrap around the earth 3 times!! Now that's alot of donuts!! and if i want to be on the good side of my mother-in-law all I have to do is bring her a bag of these, I think she likes em more than me!!

I have to say... a starbucks... this is about my speed of coffee!

my drink of choice..... crushed ice in a styrofoam cup!

yes, my drink of choice is DIET PEPSI!!!

SUGAR COOKIE DOUGH... bad thing is, I like them cooked or not cooked!!!

COTTON CANDY... one of my favorites, especially when i get to share it with my Viana... she makes it fun!!

Junk food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar and calories comes bigger, bolder, stronger, faster, louder, saltier, fatter, sweeter, higher, longer, sourer and crunchier! 

I don't live on junk food alone, life is all about BALANCE..... i do like bananas, snap pea's, salad, water, cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, fish, chicken, ... but hey we all have flaws!!!

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