1. LOVE GOD: This is the first rule because it is the most important. If I am not trying to love, respect and honor God with everything I do, then I am doing something wrong. The idea of this comes from the teaching of Jesus. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the 1st and greatest commandment" Matthew 22:37,38
2. LOVE PEOPLE: flowing directly out of rule 1, this is commonly known as the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6;31. One of the ways I love God is by loving People. This includes everything from occasionally picking up random pieces of trash to donating at the goodwill, to do my best to respect every single person I come into contact with every day.
3. WORK HARD: helping bridge rule 1 to rule 2 .....how i work reflects on God and it trickles down to other people. I believe in giving your work 100%... and do it with passion.
4. ENJOY BEAUTY: beauty is different things to different people. To some beauty is face and body, to others it is whats inside that makes a person beautiful. There are some that equate beauty with nature, an animal, a body of water or a beath-taking landscape. No matter who you are there is always something that you consider beautiful. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee that lands on the flower, the small child, and the smiling faces, smell the rain and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential and fight for your dreams.
5. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS: count your blessings, not your troubles. You will make it through whatever comes along. Within you are so many answers. Understand, have courage, be strong!
6. DO NOT PUT LIMITS ON YOURSELF: so many dreams are waiting to be realized. Decisions are too importnat to leave to chance. Reach for your peak, your goal and your potential!
7. TRY NOT TO WORRY: this is a hard one for me, much easier said then done....Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
8. BE A FRIEND: to have a friend, you must be a friend. Remember that a little love goes a long way. Remember that friendship is a wise investment. Life's treasures are people...together.
9. NEVER TO LATE: realize that it is never too late. do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. have health, hope and happiness. Take the time to wish upon a star. In addition, do not ever forget for even a day... how very special you are. Self esteem is a hard one for me... but i have heard it and believe it...God doesn't make junk.
10. PRESENCE = PRESENT: your presence is a present to the world. You are unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be. Yet, we have to take the days one at a time!
LIFE'S RULES.... everyone has morals, values, rules and expectations. yours most likely wont be the same as mine.... and mine are not yours..... these are not something written in stone, or the only rules...life's rules, (our rules) will differ,
RESPECT is another one of my rules... in order to gain respect one must be willing to give respect. Respect is a univeral challenge. It is the single most powerful ingredient in nourishing relationships. If each one of us could absorb the lessons of respect and practice them in our lives, then we might begin to recognize the good in one another.
P.S..... and if you love someone... tell them today! Don't wait, because we are not promised tomorrow.
And with His
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