Friday, November 9, 2012


As many of you know.... Lil Miss Viana and Miss Alexis are a huge part of my life... they make me smile, they make me laugh and they make me think of the song "NEVER GROW UP".and get alittle emotional!  With the election this past week, I couldn't help but ask them "IF YOU WERE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?"  I love their responses!
Dream BIG... to see and think outside of the box...who knows,  many of us have been told by an adult in our life..."one day you might grow up to be President of the United States."  Well, its more likely that we'll be hit by lightning, or write a bestseller or even end up being #1 draft pick of the New York Yankees, but the point is that you just never know!
Sooooo...President Obama, remember what and when kids speak...let them be the voice in your head!
If Viana was President  of the United States she would:
1.  "Get my nails done"
2.  "buy a baby bulldog"
3. "give lots of money to the poor"
4.  "buy houses for the homeless"
You can see what a girlie girl viana is...( i'm surprized she said nothing about have all the shoes she possibly could!)  What impresses me and warms my heart the most is her big heart... the morals and standards she has already at just 7 1/2 years old. 
 Says a lot about her mommy and her daddy and her other dad, Mike as she refers to him.  I think she would make a great president!  I love her thought process, so innocent!
and this takes me to Miss Lexis.... she spent the night the eve of the election day....and she had lots to say!
 First things first.... Mondays and Fridays off school, along with Saturday and Sundays.... Less work days too for adults!  
2.  lower gas prices
3.  I would have more know cops thru out the world
4.  I would make less McDonalds ( this baffles me... what 8 year old wants less McDonalds..i guess when your mommy and daddy are health conscious)
and the most important... stay up late and be able to sleep in as long as you want!! party all night!
Kids do say the darnest thing.... I love what my girls had to say....i thought I would add a few more things that i would do if I was president....." I would not help half the world, I would help the whole world...I'd say to stay strong, always remember to learn new things and never lie.  Don't forget to go to church, and keep Jesus the center of your life, and keep going for your dreams."  "I would make the world a completely safe place to live.  I will catch the bad guys, and help the poor.  The people of the earth will not be sore losers, but will sore into the sky like bottle rockets and be a success.  If I were to be presidnet, i would stop the pollution in the waters and in the air.  I will stop the abuse and bulling in the communities, and make every single person feel important and tell may be just one person to the world, but you are the world to someone!  I would be sure everyone knew that if God brings you to it, He will help you through it.  i would be absolutely positive everyone knew that drugs are an equal opportunity DESTROYER, and there is a different way to live.
I would keep God in schools, be sure the pledge of alligence is recited everyday in the classrom, and be sure we don't judge others and the only time we looked down on someone is when you are extending your hand and helping them up. And
So, I agree... Viana, alexis, or myself would make a great president!
and because of HIS AMAZING GRACE

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