Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have never blogged on an iPad before....but being I don't have my laptop with me and my folks have their iPads, thought I'd try it....yet keep it brief...

So the scenario goes like this.... Plans for months my mom and daddy were going to drive out to California one more time to bring some prized possession to mike... And my moms brother and his wife were going to be on a vacation for 3 weeks and They were gonna stay there 
So they would be close to me-am and be able to spend some quality time with her, and my dads brother Ralph's was a Few minutes away also.  Well, sometime so our plans are not God's plans... Due too some health issues it was best to get back home ASAP and have this back procedure done verses waiting two weeks. So once they both got a little  more strength  we left... I knew right what I needed to do, did my best and got as much coverage as possible for my job and am making the drive home with them.  How long I stay is in determined.... The drive has overwhelmed me, well not the drive but the scenery .... I truly believe parts of the USA is like a 3rd world country! The ugliest . Saddest windiest place I have ever seen, and did I say HOT!!! 104 degrees at 6;30 pm .... No thank you!  The times and conversations and laughs we have had is priceless....to hear my dad say "does a dead pig fart?"  My dad lost his wallet, but thank goodness my mom found it.. No more McDonald's for us unless its for an apple pie !! Cactus after cactus, tumbleweed after tumbleweed ... Shantee after shantee...tp's. red rock after red rock, I have to say there is some beauty here ...
Love out snack box...so glad I iPod can hook up to the car stero, we r enjoying the songs,  anyways I feel extremely blessed that I am able to do what I am doing...I wouldn't trade it, but I would trade places with them and do dialysis and have collapsed discs and spine if it meant they feel better....and I am striving to have their positive attitude and faith.... 

More to come soon

Because of His Amazing Grace....

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I don't know what its like for you, but for me, when i hear the first few lines of some of my favoirte hymns, my soul is lifted...behind every hymn there usually a very interesting story and meaning behind it.  More often than not, these great hyms have am impact on ordinary people as they read, hear and sing these beautiful hymns.  The lyrics and the story behind them can also give you practial  applications for your life.  I know it does for me! I also believe these hymns will not only speak to the soul but will add depth and meaning as we worship God through song.  These hymns are  meant to persist and be kept alive in our hearts....

Some that come first to my mind is my all time favorite invitation song "Just as I am" ...the song says Just as I am, without one plea, that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee , Oh lamb of God I come.   This song speaks to me and reminds me that we all can give ourselves to God, just as we are now, even with our fightings and fears, hates and loves, pride and shame, it doesn't matter, He wants us to come just as we are.  We don't have to wait and until we get rid of stuff or get more stuff, he wants us now. "Just as I am, though tossed about, with many a conflict , many a doubt....Oh Lamb of God , I come!"

When I close my eyes and say these six words, I feel at peace..."It is Well with my soul"  The story of the man who wrote the lyrics, hit me hard and made me put things in perspective.  This man lost his 4 daughters in a accident on a ship that had sunk, his wife survived and as he went to go meet her, the ship passed over the passage where the prior ship had sunk, he couldn't sleep  and he hadn't been able to come to grips with this, until now.  He went to his cabin, and was able to find some peace and his words were "it is well, the will of God be done"   I will never forget how this hymn came about

"I love to tell the story"... of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love." There is so much about Jesus, all the daily miracles and blessings that we don't always take the time to realize and thank God and give Him all the glory.

"AMAZING GRACE".... I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.  God is so gracious, and we are so underservingof His love, yet very accepting.  This hymn touches me the most, because I just cant comprehend how much He loves us and how much He does for us.  He promises He will never leave or forsake us, and all things are possible with Him.

"HOW GREAT THOU ART".. Oh Lord, my God, I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds your hands have made...I see the stars and and hear the rolling thunder...the power of the universe displayed...then sings my heart, my savior God to thee....How great thou art!

Once I get started, its hard to stop.  Don't take me wrong, i do love and enjoy today's worship songs and Sunday school songs will always hold a special place in my heart.  I love when i get to sing them or teach them to Viana and Alexis...."I've got peace like a river....The B.I.B.L.E.....Jesus loves me....Onward Christian soliders.....Deep and Wide....."  I love the fact that i learned these as a kid and they are still sung by kids today.

A lot of times, the title of the song says it all...."Stand up, Stand up for Jesus,...He leadth me....Sweet by and by....I need Thee every hour...Standing on the Promises...Leaning on the ever lasting arms...Trust and obey...When the roll is called up yonder....His eye is on the sparrow.....When we all get to heaven....This is my Father's world...., Have thine own way Lord.....In the Garden....The Old Rugged Cross....Turn your eyes upon Jesus, He Lives....Great is Thou Faithfulness....Precious Lord, take my hand.....Jesus paid it all....Angels we have heard on high.....Go tell it on the mountain.....will the circle be unbroken....Where He leads I will go.....Heaven came down and glory filled my soul."

Amen...Heaven came down and glory filled my soul....Love lifted me....In my heart there rings a melody....because He lives....I'll fly away: ( Some glad mornin, when this life is o're, I'll fly away)'

I know I could talk about many many more hyms that have a special place in my heart...such as "Jesus, the sweetest name I know". As the titles of the songs and the lyrics throughout the songs give me peace, assurance that Jesus is mine, and reminds me to turn and surrender and give everything to God, and again tells us to trust and obey, i find reassurance that my Precious Lord will take my hand and He leads me.

As I come to a close on this blog "THEN SINGS MY SOUL".... i can hardly explain all the love, reassurance, strenght, grace, and courage He blesses me with....and this is all

because of His AMAZING GRACE....

Monday, April 15, 2013


For some reason, this is weighing heavy on me....so best thing to do, pray about it and then write about it! 
With Renee almost 28 years old and Mike almost 30 years old..wait, how can that be?  All I can say is....I did the best of my ability, greg and I always seemed to balance each other out. I wish there was a manual for raising kids, at times i probably could of used one!  I watched and listened to as many others as possible. There were many things I implemented, and others things, no thank you.  I couldn't be more proud of the young adults that these two have become.  I will never forget the time  a great friend told me.."Sherri, you gave them roots to stand firm, yet you also gave them wings to fly."  So true, Nancy Junqurio, thank you for reminding me of that.  So as we talked (because she also has 2 daughters that she did the same for.) i realized we wanted the same things for our kids.  I did my best to prepare them for life and truly want to see them both succeed, yet then why was I so sad  when they moved out, went to college, started their own family?  Well, ok not sad,  just a huge void, a feeling of emptiness.  I'm pretty sure it is pure selfishness, but I have to admit quietly and quickly i do seem to have a little more me time, yet they are constantly on my mind, I'm pretty sure they will forever be on my mind!
I know God has BIG plans for both Mike and Renee....they may not know exactly what He has in store for them, but it gives me so much peace that both of them have faith and know they are nothing without God. I love that we pray together, worship together, do daily devotions together, take communion together and hold each other accountable and most important love each other like God wants us too....unconditionally.
I have two amazing children whose big blue eyes and contagious smiles I see everytime I close my eyes.  Their voices fill my thoughts and dreams.  Mom is my favorite title above all others.  I longed to hold their warm bodies pressed against mine after a long day of work.  I looked forward to doing thier homework with them, enjoying meals together, telling them stories and hearing about their day.  I loved tucking them in at night, and saying our prayers together. Each day we looked forward to their dad coming home. He is the rock of our family, even if he doesn't realize it.
Most of the time, we don't talk routinely about what legacy we hope to leave for others once we are not on this earth.  It is something that i have been thinking about lately, and wondering what that legacy will look like.  Only God knows, and time will tell.  I do know that i have worked hard and continue to work very hard to mold that legacy.  How I rasied my kids, the values and beliefs I tried to instill in them, it will and has determined who they have become and it will influence how they parent their kids and how my grandkids parent and raise my great grand kids and so on.  So, yes, this does make me think about what I am leaving behind when I am gone.
I have more to say, but I'm needing to upload a picture or two of Mike and Renee and brag on them for a minute.....
Mike simply fell in love with two girls at the same time...Not only was he blessed with Beatriz, he was blessed with Viana...for awhile there, Mike did and still does to some extent and its not a bad thing for sure...mike marches to the beat of his own drum..... He is extremely intelligent, I didn't pass those genes on, so, i can take no credit for that! He has a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back for you, he loves the Lord and he is very strong, and a committed family man.
My Nae-Nae is like no other.....She is shy, very soft spoken, wears her heart on her sleeve and only wants and wishes the best for everyone.  Her spirit is gentle, kind and bigger than life.  She is committed, has a strong will and knows what she wants in life. She is a woman of God, yet desires to learn more, and become and have an even closer personal relationship with her God. She is very passionae about many things, she understands and has been and is apart of others lifes in the world of addiction,  She hates the disease, but loved the addict.  She happens to be one of my biggest fans and holds me 110% accountable! God love her....she loves her girls...Viana and alexis, she's a grandma's girl too...she continues to build the closest strongest imaginable relationship with her grandparents.... There's not a person one who doesnt love her disposition, her heart and soul!
When I think and talk about Mike and Renee, i cant help but want them to know and remember several things about me.  (not only Mike and Renee, but people in my life who care and love and support me, no matter my past.)  One thing i hope they know is how much I love the Lord.  I want them to know, I'm not perfect, just a work in progress.  I love to sing hymns and worship God, give Him all the praise.  I continue to live and find ways to live my faith OUTLOUD.
I hope they know how compassionate I am.  Compassion is feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.  I tend to be very compassionate and work hard to show this, yet i unfortunatley don't have alot of boundaries, which i honestly need at this point in my life.  I don't judge, it's not my job, that's God's job, not mine, cuz if I judge, I will be judged 10 times harder! but yes, I have alot of compassion for others, and understand struggles.
I also hope they can see how passionate I am.....How passionate I am about family life, trying your best, helping others, loving others, flowers, sunrises, sunsets, the ocean, nature, friendships, sparkle in peoples eyes,  a contagious smile, a beatuiful soul, kind words, writing, and recovery.  I am passionate about my own recovery, i love the people in my support group, my family who hold me accountable and encourage me to do this for me, not just for others,  i have passion for the Lord and all His AMAZING GRACE, i am passionate for having faith and believing in others and loving them until they learn to love themselves, i am passionate about supporting and believing in my kids, no matter what, i am passionate about the braveness, courage, strenght, faith, love,  positive attitude and desire that my mom and daddy have as they also take one day at a time.
Now that I've identiied a few things that I want Mike and Nae and others to remember about me, how can I live to embrace these things?  I have to check myself and ask myself if I am doing a good job at embracing these things.  I mean, after all, actions talk louder than words.  I want to grow these attributes.  I want to read the bible more and spend more alone time with God, I want to give Him all the pieces, not hold back. I want to be more outgoing and approachable to others as I sometimes come across as closed off.  I don't want to be afraid or hesititate to let others know me, i dont want to be afraid of losing them or loving them and then they walk away like it's as easy as 1 2 3 4,  theres nothing more painful or something i will never get over,,losing someone.... is to unbearable at times, you know,
So, i may of been all over the place during this post.  When I would say one thing, it would lead to something eles, i watched minutes turn into hours....I'm pretty sure my little "Mazy-Grace" puppy is completely confused....everyone quiet and sleeping except her and I.  She keeps looking at me, like aren't we ever gonna go to bed?   
So, I hope maybe we are alittle more intimate "into me I let you see", I hope you mike and Renee get what i hope to leave you and possibly influence or help you do what you do  in life,  I hope my compassion and passion are obvious to you and the love for our God continues to grow, and  you can see and feel all the unconditional love i have in my heart, and it's all because of His 'AMAZING GRACE"....

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I have heard it more than once, and will admit have questioned and felt somewhat unworthy myself at times.  Yet, God doesnt make junk....we are all precious in His sight.  We are His creation, so it seriously breaks my heart when someone just wants to give up on life and doesn't have the passion or the desire to go on.... There is a reason for everything....and there is a reason i listen to music, and there is a reason certain songs come on the radio or my ipod when they do.....and there is a reason that i share what i share.....
after praying about this and feeling so strongly about this situation, yet not sure there was anything i could do or so, the song came on at the right time and i decided to just go with that, turn it over to God and trust the process.....
"One Day You Will"  by Lady Antebellum
You feel like you're feeling backwards
like you're slipping through the cracks
like no one would even notice
if you left this town and never came back
you walk outside and all you see is rain
you look inside and all you see is pain
and you cant  see it now
but down the road the sun is shining
in every cloud there is a silver lining
just keep holding on
and every heartache makes you stronger
but it won't be much longer
you'll find love, you'll find peace
and the you you're meant to be
i know right now thats not the way you feel
but one day you will
you wake up every morning and ask yourself
what am I doing here anyway
with the weight of all these disappoinments
whispering in your ear
you're just barely hangin on by a thread
you wanna scream but you're down to your last breath
and you don't know it yet.
find the strenght to rise above
you'll find just what you're made of
one day you will
oh one day you will
*please remember " down the road, the sun is shining and in every cloud there is a silver lining"
you, my friend are a survivor if you choose to be...you can do this if you choose to....
because of His AMAZING GRACE....


A photo is worth a thousand words..... i believe that is true and sometimes even worth more than a thousand words.  When I look around and am inspired about all the simple beauty that surrounds me, I constantly and naturally just wonder and imagine what the picture would say if it could talk.  I love my cell phone camera, i have over 6,000 pictures i have taken with it.  Then I recently just got an amazing camera.  I have played around with it some, my brain just doesnt work as well as it used to, but i am getting there.  I have just because gotten in the car and drove and drove just to see what I could see......snapping pictures right and left.  In life, sometimes we get so busy, we forget to truly look around and appreciate the small things.  I have had to check myself from time to time and realize how blessed I am....actually that I am blessed by the best and because of Him I get to enjoy all these things surrounding me.
this pump house on Southland Road has quite the history...more than a 1,000 words!
One of my favorite flowers, so bright and expressive, the way i try to share my thousands of words
This rock in Half Moon Bay has seen millions and millions of people and listened to all their words.....
words that will never be forgotten.....never a cross word, or a negative word ever came out of Elliots mouth, and nothing but millions and millions of amazing words have been said about my father-in-law
the sign says it all...."Old Faithful"  There are many words to describe "FAITH"
no words can describe the nitemare of cancer....right along with no words can describe the blessing of being a survivor.....she is my hero
a photo some will remember and then some that will never know anything about....a true classic of a picture
a canal that has been swam in by many...many words have been shared about this childhood memory....
many words have been shared about how light i am compared to Viana.... we love our skin tones.....she is as beautiful as an angel
how we like our marshmellows....
not just the colors are eye catching, but just think if these paddle boats could talk and share all the words they have heard ...
morning glory.... oh how they bring glory in the morning....
every stitch, every inch of leather, every ball it has caught, i would love to hear all the words my brothers mitt would talk about.... one of my priceless possesions
many words were shared this day...with 30 plus years of memories and special times...this cake heard it all this day, but East Union graduates that spent a fun Saturday afternoon together.
if cards could talk...21, texas hold 'em. black jack, go fish and canasta....the fun and joy cards have brought many....
red, blue, yellow, green....right hand , left foot, left hand right foot....oh the words twister would love to share about all the challenging, crazy configurations it has seen!
one of m all time favorite pictures....54 years of marriage and millions and millions of words and memories....such an inspiration these 2 are.....
every leaf, ever color has a story, wind blown, stepped on, and enjoyed by many
table rock lake in shell knob missouri....millions and millions of words it would take to describe all the good times, the lessons learned and the memories had by many.  so grateful that both the kids were able to reunite with people, places and things this past christmas...so many words were shared...
when a father teaches a daughter how to skip a rock...there actually arent any words for it....
all the loving words little gabriel has heard from all the people that love him...priceless!
there are no words for a mother daughter kiss...
a million words, a million memories, from jeff's starbucks card, his Mardi Gra passion, his love for Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, his love and respect for family, for his love for writing....he was such an inspiration....
So, I will continue to be inspired and continue to take pictures and continue to express and share my words  because of His AMAZING GRACE....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I have heard this statement a time or two made by others, and I personally have said it, and i have personally seen this so many times.  "GOD SHOWS UP....sometimes in small ways and sometimes in BIG ways.  I kind of feel bad saying in "small ways", because nothing God does is small.  Yet, we may take these things for granted.  Not the sunrise, not the sunset, not the gentle breeze, not the stars, not the birds that sing, or the mountains or rivers, streams and the ocean, each and every breath we take every second, every single beat of our hearts......none of these things are small so I should retract and apoligize....God does nothing small.  Yet He shows up when we least expect Him to, or when we didn't even ask Him too.  He just knows and in fact, He never leaves us.... we may walk away , we may think we can do whatever we need to on our own, sometimes we give it to God, but when things arent happening the way we want it to, or quick enough, we have a tendency to take it back from Him and try to do it on our own.  Sometimes, i have found myself playing tug-o-war with God, give alittle then pull back, back and forth, back and forth.  Back to God showing up.......I have been in the middle of a hurricane in lousiana, and God showed up and JUST stayed, there was no reason for Him to leave.  I have been visiting someone in jail and God showed up,  He shows up while I am listening to music, and lays some lyrics on me to really think about, He shows up on my facebook daily, He shows up at my work, and blesses me with Amie, with Tiney, with Cheryl, Chantelle, Michelle, brenda, Hope, Liz,Teresa and many others.  He shows up in Delhi, in the home of Mike, Beatriz and Viana.  He shows up in the gym and gives Renee the courage and strenght to continue doing what she is doing.  He shows up in Memorial Hospital every Wednesday and touches my Scotty-man and the nurses and Doctors that love him so much.  God shows up in Colorado Springs with my only neice Emily and my nephew Ariel, and baby Gabiel.  He shows up in Afganistan, protecting Ramon and Larry and thousands of others.  God shows up in Springfield Missouri, continuing to carrying my mom and daddy thru dialysis and cancer, He shows up in Manteca on Kimberly Drive, and Tinnin Road and Southland Road, and Amador Circle.  God shows up at Shasta School and blesses the children with great loving teachers, Mrs. Hatfield, Mrs alexander,.and many others, He stays at shasta School and protects Quinn Martinez and Alexis Quitiquit, and all other children.  God shows up at Bethany Home and comforts my Me-ma, He shows up on every road that my Uncle Gary and Aunt JoElla travel in their motorhome.  God shows up in Salida and loves and comforts my sister-in-law and my nephew Nick and cynthia as they continue to miss Jeff.  God shows up in friendships, in marriages, in every care and concern we have.  He stands at the door and knocks...He won't bang the door down, it's up to us to let Him in.  God never gives up on anyone....miracles happen every day. As you can see....God shows up, whether we think He is there or not.  Sometimes, He is quiet and other times He is very loud and clear. Did I mention He shows up in my life?  Every day He is there....every day he is showing me something new, everyday He brings me peace and comfort and joy and patience and love and kindness and knowledge and strenght and braveness and courage.  He shows me that I am a work in progress, He isn't finsihed with me yet, He shows up and puts words in my mouth, and opens my eyes and ears.  He reminds me when to be still and listen, He reminds me that I have a story and I need to share it and let others know that there is another way to live without drugs and alcohol.  He shows up when I am sad and angry and confused and heart broken that the other half of my life is not with me anymore, and I miss him tremendously, He reminds me that Jeff was on loan to us anyways, we are all on loan, we all belong to Him, its just that God needed Jeff more than we did, and its just a matter of time before we meet again.  God shows up at NA meetings, He shows up at New Hope Treatment Center and Family Ties, He shows up everywhere, and I am soooooo glad He does!  I can't imagine working, loving, playing, sharing, and living without Him.  And as I am trying to close this blog, my "Mazing-Grace wakes up, looks at me and crawls into my lap with her big brown eyes and fluffy fur and wet kisses and hey stop very sharp razorblade puppy teeth......God shows up in her too as she loves me unconditionally, so innocent, and so non-judgemental.   God is so good, blesses us all, and promises to always show up and never leave or forsake us!
I encourage you all to be still and think about where God shows up for you...
Because of His AMAZING GRACE.....

Monday, April 8, 2013


Everyone knew it but me.....Yet, when I was finally able to say i needed and wanted help.....i truly found out who were my biggest fans.  I have the best family and friends.  At first, i wanted to keep my addiction and recovery a secret.  After about 3 days and with some clarity, i wanted anyone and everyone to know when, where, what and how.  I knew i was right where i needed to be and I was doing the right thing.  I met some amazing people and was able to learn so much about me and gathered knowledge and tools that I never even knew existed.  I have kept every piece of paper,every card i recieved,  every letter i had to write, every phone number i got and cherished every friendship i made.  I have also realized and witnessed that not every addict wants recovery and even if they do, the drug alot of times is stronger than they are. I have stood beside beds as they had machines breathe for them, and within hours, crossed over to the other side.  I have gone almost every Sunday in a year to the County jail for a one hour visit with one of the most sincere, kindest, amazing friend, that I love the most, who today is the best son, best dad to his 3 kids, and such a productive member of society. I never gave up and I knew he had it in him. It doesnt matter how old or how young you are, doesn't matter male or female, professional or blue collar worker, doesnt matter if you are yellow, brown, black or white, a mom or a grandma, college graduate of Berkley and an all American Water Polo player, doesnt matter if you have a great family, a job or no job, in love or not....addiction does not discriminate.  I could go on and on about addiction, recovery, substance abuse counsloring, good people who make bad choices, kids caught in the cross-fire, and death, lifes taken way to soon due to overdose, the devil wants each one of us dead, yet what i really wanted to share is one of the many cards my mom sent me.  I came across it just recently, and it reminds me of what a wonderful mother i was blessed with.  I have learned so much from her, and i know it wasnt easy for anyone, especially my family, how could this be happening???? no one in my family, no one really understood at first, wondering why I cant just stop taking the 10 prescription drugs that i was mixing and matching..... believe me, I wanted to just stop too....yet they the drugs had me right where they wanted me...3 feet under.  Yet with the help, love and support of all my family and friends, I was able to say and be comfortable and not ashamed  with saying " My name is Sherri, and i am an addict, so glad that I am a "grateful recovery addict" with 4 years, 2 months and 13 days clean.  So back to the one particular card.  Many know me, (somewhat) and some know my mom and what an angel on earth she is...A little over 4 years ago, i recieved this  card and i have felt moved to share this with others....
dated: 2-3-09
"Wow, what a cold day, 17 degrees and windy.  the ground hog saw his shadow yesterday so 6 more weeks of winter- so they say.  Just got back from taking Daddy to work.  I got some meat and veggies from the freezer- my hands are so cold, it is hard to write.  Gotta go for my back therapy shortly.  This is my 10th time, I am thinking it is helping.  Hope so.
Hope you got some good sleep last night and are feeling good. Just remeber, if God cares for birds, will He not care for his children.  Matthew:10:31.  Do not fear,  therefore, you  are of more value than many sparrows.  When we face difficult situations, fear may cause us to wonder is God is aware of our situatuion.  Jesus' teachings assures us that God cares deeply and is in control.  His trackings of our lives never fail.  He never loses track of us and meets our every needs.

Just keep getting better every day.  all our love.....mom and dad"

i dont beleive there was a day that i didnt get a card from our church family, from my family, my friends from work, the doctor i worked for, greg, Renee, and so many more.  The support I had was above and beyond, and that support continues, yet i do know that i wont be able to keep all this unless I share my hopes, strenghts and experiences. 

so, thank you for always being there every Tuesday nite for family nite and every Sunday afternoon, for sending a card, for calling the payphone, and most important for "BELIEVING IN ME..."


Sunday, April 7, 2013


In the car last tonight....I got a loud and clear message...
Kenny Chesney's song "The Good Stuff"......and "Simple Things"....

You see Recovery comes 2nd in my life....God is first.... and the reason I say recovery comes second, before anything or anyone eles is because if my recovery doesnt come second, i could or would lose everyone and everything else.  I will admit, sometimes i get alittle complacent...my stepwork, my meetings, using my sponsor as I should (you know I love you Tina and I hope you know how much i love you).  I will say I walk the walk and talk the talk to the best of my ability.  I used to not share or open up to others about my addiction, but things are not like that anymore.  i will do anything to help another addict..help them understand and know there is a different way to live without drugs and alcohol.....I will share my hopes, strenghts and experiences, and  know that God will guide me and help me to share with others.  God had both of His hands in the decision and the outcome of my schooling to be a substance abuse counslor.  The people, places and things He has placed in my path reassures me that this is the direction I belong, and doing what He would have me do.  So back to the song "The Good Stuff and Simple things"

This gentleman got into an  arguement with his wife, so he gets in his car and drives around lookin for a bar with a neon sign out front.  As he goes inside, its just the bartender and him-self.  The bartender asked him what he wanted to drink, and the gentleman said "give me the good stuff".  The bartender didn't reach for the whiskey, or pour him a beer.  the bartenders blue eyes got a little misty as he said "you won't find that here."  The bartender took out a carton of milk and poured himself a glass of milk, and the young man says "I'll have a glass too" They talked for hours.  Basically the song is about living life on life's term.  Everyone has good days, bad days, disappointments, sad and happy times,gains and losses, pain and heartaches, yet we are able to walk through these things without ever finding the need to pick up any drug and put it in our body.

When this gentlman promised someone that he would drop in at one of those meetings down at the Y, he finally did.  Well, they started talkin bout steps they take, mistakes they make, the hearts you break, and the price you pay...He almost walked away.  You could hear a pin drop, when this old man stood up and said " I'm gonna say it again, like I do every week, for those who don't know me...

It's the simple things in life, like the kids at home and a loving wife, that you miss the most, when you lose control. And everything you love starts to disappear, the devil takes your hand and says no fear.  Have another shot, just one more beer, Yah, I've been there, thats why I'm here.  This ole boy stood up in the aisle, said he'd been living a life of denial and he cried as he talked about wasted years.  I couldn't belive what I heard, it was my life word for word, and all of a sudden, it was clear....


I agree, it's the simple things in life, your simple things may be different than my simple things. 
yet, no matter whatever our simple things are, dont ever let them out of our sight, and never give up.  And never stop believing in yourself, never turn your back on  others....Keep the faith, and know it is "one addict helping another addict" and "it's one day at a time." Don't let the devil take your hand and say "no fear" And remember and repeat this all the time: "Don't hate the addict...hate the disease."

This is an ugly disease....yet the only know cure is when you, yourself is ready.  The good things and simple things are well worth it.

Because of His AMAZING GRACE...........


Friday, April 5, 2013


Sometimes a song or bits and pieces of a song sticks in my head, and thats all i think about! For months now, these particular lyrics play over and over in my mind.  It's not realistic, but it's fun to imagine, and it takes me away from everyday stresses and gives me the chance and ability to wonder and dream about ....it takes me away for a short time, i"m able to regroup and keep doing what I'm doing.....
"Sometims I wish I lived in an airstream with homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy, break a heart, roll out of town, cause gypsies never get tied down.
Sometimes, I wish I lived on a mountain, drank from a stream instead of a fountain.  I'd stay there, top of the world.
Sometimes, I wish I lived by a pier, in a lighthouse with a chandelier, I'd watch everybody's ships come in, and then I'd sail away with them.
Unanchored in a storm or safety on the shore.  If this is all I need, why do I want more?
Sometimes, I wish i lived in an airstream, homemade curtains.....lived just like a gypsy...
I love imagining the life of a gypsy..... so easy going, so free-spirited, so simple minded, no high expectations of others, enjoy the moment, take nothing for granted, few responsibilities, loving others, judging no one, enjoying the sunrise and sunset, freedom, gentle breeze, nature, no fences, no limits, so happy go lucky.....I'd like to be a gypsy, at least imagine I am, feel it in my heart and in my soul....I'm ok with that....I'm a day dreamer....full of wonder and a huge imagination....so a gypsy I am ....until I have to go back to reality...
becuz of his AMAZING GRACE....


again, feeling like sharing some more quotes and words of wisdom.....I hope and pray that even just one of these helps you or makes a difference in your life.  I hope you can share  them with others or poosibly apply them to your life:
You may not always undertand why God allows certain things to happen, but you can be certain that God is not making any mistakes.
If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.
To be kind is more important than to be right.  Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.
If you don't stand behind our troops....feel free to stand in front of them.
Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth and your heart for love.
Every day is a new beginning.  Treat it that way.  Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.
God has a perfect plan for us.  He never does it all at once, just step by step because He wants to teach us to walk by FAITH not by sight!
I love words of wisdom.  No matter where I have been or where or what my future holds, I know the more I know and the more wisdom I have, the more I want to share with others.  i know none of this is possible without my God.....it's because of His AMAZING GRACE.