For some reason, this is weighing heavy on best thing to do, pray about it and then write about it!
With Renee almost 28 years old and Mike almost 30 years old..wait, how can that be? All I can say is....I did the best of my ability, greg and I always seemed to balance each other out. I wish there was a manual for raising kids, at times i probably could of used one! I watched and listened to as many others as possible. There were many things I implemented, and others things, no thank you. I couldn't be more proud of the young adults that these two have become. I will never forget the time a great friend told me.."Sherri, you gave them roots to stand firm, yet you also gave them wings to fly." So true, Nancy Junqurio, thank you for reminding me of that. So as we talked (because she also has 2 daughters that she did the same for.) i realized we wanted the same things for our kids. I did my best to prepare them for life and truly want to see them both succeed, yet then why was I so sad when they moved out, went to college, started their own family? Well, ok not sad, just a huge void, a feeling of emptiness. I'm pretty sure it is pure selfishness, but I have to admit quietly and quickly i do seem to have a little more me time, yet they are constantly on my mind, I'm pretty sure they will forever be on my mind!
I know God has BIG plans for both Mike and Renee....they may not know exactly what He has in store for them, but it gives me so much peace that both of them have faith and know they are nothing without God. I love that we pray together, worship together, do daily devotions together, take communion together and hold each other accountable and most important love each other like God wants us too....unconditionally.
I have two amazing children whose big blue eyes and contagious smiles I see everytime I close my eyes. Their voices fill my thoughts and dreams. Mom is my favorite title above all others. I longed to hold their warm bodies pressed against mine after a long day of work. I looked forward to doing thier homework with them, enjoying meals together, telling them stories and hearing about their day. I loved tucking them in at night, and saying our prayers together. Each day we looked forward to their dad coming home. He is the rock of our family, even if he doesn't realize it.
Most of the time, we don't talk routinely about what legacy we hope to leave for others once we are not on this earth. It is something that i have been thinking about lately, and wondering what that legacy will look like. Only God knows, and time will tell. I do know that i have worked hard and continue to work very hard to mold that legacy. How I rasied my kids, the values and beliefs I tried to instill in them, it will and has determined who they have become and it will influence how they parent their kids and how my grandkids parent and raise my great grand kids and so on. So, yes, this does make me think about what I am leaving behind when I am gone.
I have more to say, but I'm needing to upload a picture or two of Mike and Renee and brag on them for a minute.....
Mike simply fell in love with two girls at the same time...Not only was he blessed with Beatriz, he was blessed with Viana...for awhile there, Mike did and still does to some extent and its not a bad thing for sure...mike marches to the beat of his own drum..... He is extremely intelligent, I didn't pass those genes on, so, i can take no credit for that! He has a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back for you, he loves the Lord and he is very strong, and a committed family man.
My Nae-Nae is like no other.....She is shy, very soft spoken, wears her heart on her sleeve and only wants and wishes the best for everyone. Her spirit is gentle, kind and bigger than life. She is committed, has a strong will and knows what she wants in life. She is a woman of God, yet desires to learn more, and become and have an even closer personal relationship with her God. She is very passionae about many things, she understands and has been and is apart of others lifes in the world of addiction, She hates the disease, but loved the addict. She happens to be one of my biggest fans and holds me 110% accountable! God love her....she loves her girls...Viana and alexis, she's a grandma's girl too...she continues to build the closest strongest imaginable relationship with her grandparents.... There's not a person one who doesnt love her disposition, her heart and soul!
When I think and talk about Mike and Renee, i cant help but want them to know and remember several things about me. (not only Mike and Renee, but people in my life who care and love and support me, no matter my past.) One thing i hope they know is how much I love the Lord. I want them to know, I'm not perfect, just a work in progress. I love to sing hymns and worship God, give Him all the praise. I continue to live and find ways to live my faith OUTLOUD.
I hope they know how compassionate I am. Compassion is feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. I tend to be very compassionate and work hard to show this, yet i unfortunatley don't have alot of boundaries, which i honestly need at this point in my life. I don't judge, it's not my job, that's God's job, not mine, cuz if I judge, I will be judged 10 times harder! but yes, I have alot of compassion for others, and understand struggles.
I also hope they can see how passionate I am.....How passionate I am about family life, trying your best, helping others, loving others, flowers, sunrises, sunsets, the ocean, nature, friendships, sparkle in peoples eyes, a contagious smile, a beatuiful soul, kind words, writing, and recovery. I am passionate about my own recovery, i love the people in my support group, my family who hold me accountable and encourage me to do this for me, not just for others, i have passion for the Lord and all His AMAZING GRACE, i am passionate for having faith and believing in others and loving them until they learn to love themselves, i am passionate about supporting and believing in my kids, no matter what, i am passionate about the braveness, courage, strenght, faith, love, positive attitude and desire that my mom and daddy have as they also take one day at a time.
Now that I've identiied a few things that I want Mike and Nae and others to remember about me, how can I live to embrace these things? I have to check myself and ask myself if I am doing a good job at embracing these things. I mean, after all, actions talk louder than words. I want to grow these attributes. I want to read the bible more and spend more alone time with God, I want to give Him all the pieces, not hold back. I want to be more outgoing and approachable to others as I sometimes come across as closed off. I don't want to be afraid or hesititate to let others know me, i dont want to be afraid of losing them or loving them and then they walk away like it's as easy as 1 2 3 4, theres nothing more painful or something i will never get over,,losing someone.... is to unbearable at times, you know,
So, i may of been all over the place during this post. When I would say one thing, it would lead to something eles, i watched minutes turn into hours....I'm pretty sure my little "Mazy-Grace" puppy is completely confused....everyone quiet and sleeping except her and I. She keeps looking at me, like aren't we ever gonna go to bed?
So, I hope maybe we are alittle more intimate "into me I let you see", I hope you mike and Renee get what i hope to leave you and possibly influence or help you do what you do in life, I hope my compassion and passion are obvious to you and the love for our God continues to grow, and you can see and feel all the unconditional love i have in my heart, and it's all because of His 'AMAZING GRACE"....